webcall 发表于 2010-7-16 12:48



lovebaby 发表于 2010-7-16 13:20

回复 1# webcall

You can go to Gibson Park (Victoria & Richmond). You will find splash pad, swing, slides etc for kids. If your little one(s) goes for splash pad, please remember to bring swimming suites and towels.

Also, u can go to Springbank Park. There is a shollow poolnear the playground (swing, slides).

I would also recommend Harris Park in downtown(Ridout & Dundus, besides London Museum). they have splash pad too. But I am not sure about the parking.

Enjoy the weekend!

webcall 发表于 2010-7-16 13:30

回复 2# lovebaby

   Springbank 和Harris 都去过了,这周末就去Gibson Park!

回复 1# webcall

You can go to Gibson Park (Victoria & Richmond). You will find splash pad, swing, slides etc for kids. If your little one(s) goes for splash pad, please remember to bring swimming suites and towels.

Also, u can go to Springbank Park. There is a shollow poolnear the playground (swing, slides).

I would also recommend Harris Park in downtown(Ridout & Dundus, besides London Museum). they have splash pad too. But I am not sure about the parking.

lfp 发表于 2010-7-16 18:37



Thames Park Pool

webcall 发表于 2010-7-17 09:26

回复 4# lfp

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查看完整版本: 帮忙推荐个周末带孩子去玩的地方啊?