BadApple 发表于 2012-5-22 18:15

关于King's College

9月新生, 在纠结去King的还是主校的心理学

King的话相对来说有奖学金, 而且听朋友说在King刚开始不会太难. 最后一年回主校读然后毕业证都是Western一样的.


yangnch 发表于 2012-5-22 20:03

Main campus for sure.

201204 发表于 2012-5-22 23:41

Not so sure with the comment right above... i know a few friends (both local and us Chinese students) graduated from Kings that are currently working for the Big Four and banks or simply doing great in their Masters elsewhere; and ironically, i also happen to know very many came from Main Campus that never got a job after graduation. So really its up to you as of which CAMPUS you want to go to-- what really makes the difference is how YOU grow in all aspects thru your four yrs' undergrad. Hope this helps!

BadApple 发表于 2012-5-23 17:08

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