sherry_qin 发表于 2012-10-19 18:36


LZ是Faculty of arts&humanity的大一。最初家里人的设想是叫LZ选women's studies作为major。但经过现在两个月的学习,LZ发现自己根本hold不住women's studies这个博大精深的奇葩学科,orz……
LZ是文科生,对经济类的又不感兴趣,想选sociology作major。但soc属于Faculty of social science,要选做major要不要转系?要不要什么成绩要求?
求各位大师不吝赐教QAQ !

lovebear 发表于 2012-10-21 03:36


Lydster 发表于 2012-10-21 09:35

回复 2# lovebear

You may consult with the Academic counselor at social science. Mostly likely you need to transfer to Sociology in Social Science. You can choose SOC as your major during Intend to Register in March. Then you will know if you can go in or not later in May at your student center. Check the SOC admission requirement online to see the minimum mark.
Hope it helps.
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