swissgirl 发表于 2013-5-27 22:16


The simplest way for accessing your pet's body condistion is to be able to feel the ribs and backbone, but not see them, and to see a distinct waistline. if you cant feel the ribs, the pet is overweight.

Dogs deposit significant amounts of fat around their chest, and around their abdomen, whichi is why the waist of an overweight dog quickly disappers. In proper-weight dogs, there should be a noticeable belly tuck at the hind legs.

Cats tend to deposit their fat in slightly different regionsl. Cats store fat in their abdominal, but even more so in the lower part of their chest region. This makes it more difficult to see the extra fat in a cat because it is hidden between the front legs. In overweight cats, the flank hangs down and jiggles when the cat walkds.

理想的减肥计划目标是每星期减去体重的1%-2%。 为了达到这个目标,热量的摄入量要减少30%-50%。

88888888 发表于 2013-6-3 03:56


swissgirl 发表于 2013-6-3 14:29

可以给狗狗用weight management food, 会有明显的帮助。有问题可以问我
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