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Job training / Tutoring for Java and Web programming









Rank: 6Rank: 6

245 点
3735 金币
发表于 2015-5-29 13:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
www.teensprogramming.com6 X) a. y' o5 y( Z
# Z' M3 l0 L: u. G3 L+ l
What do we offer?
7 _5 a2 M) ~/ H5 }5 h1. Tutoring for your WEB and JAVA programming courses,  homework, assignments and projects.
1 z& |/ ^0 A! h( v9 A, Y2. Job training for Web developer and Front-end developer, Core Java developer and Java EE developer.
8 [) C4 Q5 Z  a( F5 x& p% I: q# N0 ]4 e2 {
We have 4 courses open:
8 m8 t; A1 s# M1 h  r5 R6 V& x. q- q8 D( |9 B! l9 p! d
Jump Start Modern web development (HTML/CSS/Javascript)
  O' Y% y# J$ r* j/ u6 Q) x0 T9 H% D9 P1 a- }
Javascript and JQuery web development
- Z" h7 h- K6 a% Y8 ^' C2 b1 C2 i, @. ?' V0 n+ X7 z2 [
Advanced Javascript2 j9 q$ y* m4 h: D  O  ^. _

' Z9 r' D9 h% p7 E1 s6 q* F0 oJava Certified Programmer exam preparation
' ~) S& L. q% P) f
4 P- ~6 A9 \; p, s% oPromotional rate: 2 b9 h, Z- G7 e- j6 t$ I
$20/hour for tutoring (until June 30) * E% [; H* \! a5 E/ g0 @& c. [% d% ]
$20/hour for courses (until June 30)6 O! ?9 v' `! A0 c& h3 |
: t& l5 O, v- B# b* j  l) A
Teens Programming - London-based full time computer programming school. We promote and support you a bright career and learning experience.- z9 p% t# a% @+ d9 N

  `3 M0 s& s9 T- A2 _We equip you with industry-level computer programming skills and practices to enable you to pursue your career or your business.4 }- k. U* ?4 c- o9 V
" q+ v5 D0 M) K
The instructor's information:
- h: L1 Q) q* ~/ W( q' i$ f* b! G* {  iNapu Sun (SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD)
, T  I3 \' |! t, y+ \6 DProfessional software developer with over 8 years of industry experience1 F' \/ N- W1 _6 I. Z# D1 J; ]
, M/ ^- ~5 B8 R. ^$ L  S
Master's degree in Computer Science7 p% O! Z5 J9 l% I' H  \6 T1 i
Bachelors' degree in Computer Science and Application; }3 N  _4 g1 @
Government of Canada Security Rating Level II0 @! k! Y  [$ _& l; ?5 r

8 ?$ I$ c/ M. I& ~1 u! [$ L7 ?text or call: 519.701.7988
5 Y, _3 i! c) q7 d4 T6 ?& o" J( ?7 hemail: teensprogramming@gmail.com
4 W  n; y+ W: }( b9 ]0 I  `website: www.teensprogramming.com
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