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发表于 2010-9-23 22:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Tom 于 2010-9-23 21:32 编辑
6 g+ C$ K0 G9 K, @* b7 e
: J- ~/ @5 b8 z' G/ M. PImproving Your Credit Score
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It's important to note that raising your credit score is a bit like losing weight: It takes time and there is no quick fix. In fact, quick-fix efforts can backfire. - fico.com$ W& |, h' R+ d/ Y2 b) \9 ?% Q: g5 |4 s
Tips to improve your credit score and to get lower interest rates:
  • Pay your credit cards, student loans, bills and car loans on time.
  • Do not go over credit limit. Try keeping credit card balances to a minimum. High credit balances cause credit score to go down, while low balances improve it (you have to use the credit though).
  • Paying off collection account will NOT erase it from your history. Collection account stays on credit history for 7 years. Paying off collections is a personal choice and can actually hurt your score for several months... read more
  • If you have bad credit, but open new credit cards (or get new loans) and pay on time - your credit score will go up.
  • Get credit cards, but use them only when you have the cash to pay off whatever you bought right away. This keeps credit card balances low and shows fast payments, which is perfect for improving credit score.
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3 A9 J/ \6 A8 L$ O% A, ]2 ~2 z! [Your credit score is calculated using 5 different factors+ S( r, l4 T$ Z) O
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Payment History - approximately 35% of total credit score is based on payment history.# Z8 t: b7 W% M8 D
This section of credit score keeps track of:
  • Slow / Late Payments - being late on credit cards, mortgages and other loans lowers your score. Paying your bills late is also bad for credit. Paying on time is one of the easiest ways to raise your score. For best mortgage interest rates - pay your credit cards and bills on time.
  • Delinquency - skipping one payment makes you "delinquent". Once you are delinquent, your most recent payment is applied toward latest missed obligation. For example: if you skipped July payment, but paid in August, payment from August will go towards July. Delinquency on credit cards, loans and regular bills negatively affects your credit score. Pay all loans, credit cards and bills on time to have good score and to get lower rates from lenders.
  • Collections - collections stay on your credit for 7 years. If collections are already on your credit report, it doesn't make a difference if you pay them off. It's a personal choice. Some lenders require you to pay off collections before giving you a mortgage, others don't... read more
  • Number of Past Due Payments - The more payments you miss the worse are consequences on credit score. Lenders prefer to see clean payment history and no past due payments.
  • Bankruptcy - kept on credit profile for 6 - 7 years. It's very hard to get a mortgage with "bankruptcy" on credit report.
  • Mortgage Foreclosure - foreclosure happens when lender takes away property because of late mortgage payments. Foreclosure is as bad as bankruptcy and it stays on credit profile for 5 - 7 years. It's hard to get a mortgage with "foreclosure" on credit report.
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- M! G. z- E( Q; ACredit score agencies also track payments made on time, which usually raise your credit score.) F; |( ]# I/ C- k( L; e; t
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Amounts Owed - approximately 30% of total credit score" `" {0 R# L2 W; j
This section of credit report tracks how much you owe in total, on all accounts, including mortgages, credit cards, car loans, student loans and other debts. It also tracks companies you owe money to, for how long, and how much." n2 s4 z' [2 i# @) ^
Keep your credit card balances to absolute minimum to raise your credit. If possible, pay credits cards in full and only use them when you have the money to pay back right away.4 a6 @$ q3 b5 _( N' C

/ Y+ c" B$ o% o7 i( ]Length Of Credit History - approximately 15% of the total score' h& O9 [( I5 k& L" e, J; x
This section tracks age of each credit account and time since last account activity. Try not to close your old credit cards, because they have more impact on credit score than new ones.
3 Q3 L- S( E8 E5 G
% e6 Q+ H, y2 A& `9 zNew Credit - approximately 10% of the total score is based on new accounts and inquiries* z! y5 i* x* B$ t3 F
This part of credit report shows all applications you submitted for mortgages, credit cards, car loan, student loans, etc. Once you are approved, it documents the amount of money you're approved / disapproved for.
$ G9 M% u+ V8 t/ b) R" }
8 m+ B( H& c6 u; y2 Q4 H+ f8 _Types of Credit Used - approximately 10% of total credit score" k6 v& A: l- m- V% C4 u& R
Larger loans have more impact on credit score than smaller ones. $200,000 mortgage has more weight than $10,000 credit line. A $10,000 credit line has more weight than a $1000 credit card. Do not worry about this section of credit report. Whatever loans you have are good to gain and keep good credit score.


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发表于 2010-9-24 09:41 | 显示全部楼层
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