地址在: Cherryhill mall food court (301 oxford st. W. London.) # K% ^. \5 Z/ i. g7 O5 L3 }& W& O
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工作要求:适应快节奏工作节奏,多任务协调 ; ^. @& v6 G9 n* c! E1 m0 c
客户服务技能( k: ~8 T: M; a: z1 m 每日现金结算 # [! }# h) ~* o1 m7 b, d能够上早班,晚班和周末2 N# A& W. c$ l1 ?5 ] 优秀的英语口语和沟通能力- g7 I, i8 P+ Y; Y 能够长期工作者优先考虑 @& a1 P7 E- n$ q& }7 _& J! Y1 ]: l# J( n+ R
感兴趣的去店里尽情骚扰投简历吧,工资优惠,暂时不接受电话咨询哦。/ w7 R5 D: x; Q
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. [% q/ Y7 U. \8 UHiring Server - DonutCafe at Cherryhill mallJob type: Part-timelocation: Cherryhill mall food court(301 oxford st. W. London.)Key responsibilities:Prepare and serve food orders, cleaning duties, restocking inventoriesQualifications:- Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced setting- Excellent customer service skills- Experience with cash register- Available in the morning , evenings, weekends- Excellent verbal communication preferred- Someone who can work with us for the long termP.S : please contact us in person. We don't accept calls. V; J# r0 }' i' J9 i- o7 P) V