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发表于 2012-11-19 23:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们正在寻找18岁以上讲汉语普通话的参与者,参与者的英语水平较高(雅思7以上、托福560以上)。, p/ h6 r- p: n/ p! N5 }
. M: _* G& N0 V9 f' G
; s# O( t( x' V& B1 O) G9 l0 P1.        听汉字读音并观看屏幕上出现的汉字或者图片(与此同时,您大脑活动情况将被扫描纪录下来供研究使用)
- G# B: S- E$ N( G1 A# ]; N2.        实验结束后,填写语言和教育情况问卷调查表。6 x2 N+ |- a) q- E/ i) S$ _9 M

" |: p6 ^; F# V8 g: k! m( k6 D您不需掌握英语即可参与本次全程使用普通话的实验。届时,您与我们的任何交流都可通过讲普通话的翻译人员完成。
, M& O: P4 u; u" b7 i3 A/ |6 B- ]7 i7 Z  W5 `$ m
8 |  L' A6 q6 X$ V4 V2 v+ G9 W# ~2 ?( H7 S; s. o% p
如果您对参与本次实验感兴趣或希望了解更多信息,请与心理系* W( w1 H1 T! M6 N) D
Emily Nichols 女士联系: enicho4@uwo.ca! f, z/ R  C* U* O9 b
* \: J/ {* ~0 N# s( w: m8 J5 ?$ s
) K8 N8 B4 ]3 w: Q9 x
英文招聘电邮:6 A& K6 t( ]0 p
1 {' ]6 d8 n' Z
RECRUITMENT EMAIL                                * v3 I  D1 T1 F; L

1 X" v' {* v1 }. fHi,
- D5 c4 [1 G- {+ AI am an MSc student in Psychology working under the supervision of Dr. Marc Joanisse. We are currently conducting an experiment investigating speech processing of English and Chinese using fMRI. If you are interested in participating, please refer to the study description below.
3 g* U9 d. M* w& z5 `Thanks!
( h3 x0 e$ |# [' l7 w& X: S' ]9 }# z5 q+ S/ H% u
We are looking for native Chinese speakers who are 18 or older and who speak English as a second language and  have near perfect English skills.  You must have normal vision or wear contacts.- @. ?; E/ _3 A; W3 }
8 W+ i6 A9 g3 _& g4 R( a5 V
If you participate in this study, you will8 e( C4 O; n# E- S* A, Z$ w
•        Hear words and look at pictures of items on a computer screen while images of your brain are taken
& M; ^! t9 m: M•        Complete a questionnaire about your language education and use
+ I6 l6 e# x* i•        Complete an English proficiency test and a Chinese proficiency test3 t: a1 a+ n$ R; A$ \2 I# m6 J% r
7 B/ j8 i; r% b+ a% q7 |0 M
The study will take 2-2.5 hours to complete. You will be compensated in appreciation for your participation.
( c( @: P$ N" Z( j8 }% Q3 m- A) v: X  U) x2 z. B$ h
If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Emily Nichols at enicho4@uwo.ca# g# N9 r$ @' ]4 s* F
' p7 t3 h2 ]& H5 g' L/ h" y, C$ V
Emily Nichols
9 j" u: B- d7 [' D- f  G* LDepartment of Psychology
" Y1 B1 k$ }6 L. q9 o( O" HUniversity of Western Ontario
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