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housefinancing的个人空间 https://londonchinese-ca.byy.ca/?8975 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


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  • 真实姓名童梅
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  • 出生地贵州 贵阳
  • 居住地广东 深圳



如何用好加按?(Refinance) 2011-02-26
如何用好加按? (Refinance)   在上面的日志中,我们谈到今年加按政策将降低额度的问题,因此,什么是加按?如何做好加按?又成为大 ...
供您参考――今年政策调整与去年调整的比较  2011-02-26
相关背景:今年的这次政策收紧,是自去年以来,政府对贷款政策的第二次调整。以下是去年 2 月的调整内容。 1. 所有新贷款均以 5 年期固定利率评估 ...
Please hurry up, if you need to do re-finance! 2011-02-22
房贷政策收紧,需做加按( re-finance ) 的客户,请加快行动。从 3 月 18 日起 ,再贷款的融资上限将由房屋价值的 90% 降至 85% 。 ...


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Independent 2011-7-19 21:50
问好!It's been a while !
Independent 2011-4-13 11:37
童梅: Hi, Xiaolei, Thanks for your visiting. I just saw it and wish to say a hello to you. I'm interested in what you wrote befor and read it before. If it
just say hello!! Thanks for visiting!!
Independent 2011-3-3 23:44
Thanks for adding me, and looking forward  to read more of your posts! welcome to visit my space, too.
Independent 2011-2-26 20:23
童梅 : Hi, Xiaolei, Thanks for your visiting. I just saw it and wish to say a hello to you. I'm interested in what you wrote befor and read it before. If it Thank you, for writing this line to me, and i wish we could read more of each other, sure, it's my pleasure to be a friend with you! I come to London quite often, hopefully, we could find something more interesting other than business as we Chinese says. ...
bestdrtcm 2010-6-17 14:14
nice to see you too. anything if i can help, please let me know. have a nice day.
北京朝阳区 2010-5-5 08:23




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